Methods for Change – Photo Go-Alongs

These short videos were created whilst working on the Methods for Change project. The first video is a jargon-free video to communicate the value of photo go-alongs. My doctoral research on older age and place is used as the example in the video. The second video is a presentation that was shared as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science (2020) session 'exploring the transformative power of visual social science methods'. I introduce photo go-alongs, outlining why I found them to be a fruitful and introduce the photo and story collection I collaboratively created with participants. Find out more about this collection here.

Methods for Change is an Aspect (Research England) funded project that was launched in April 2020 at the University of Manchester. Developed and led by Dr Alison Browne and Dr Sarah Marie Hall, and together with myself, Dr Laura Pottinger and Dr Ulrike Ehgartner, it seeks to amplify methodologies developed by social scientists to research pressing societal issues, and to make a case for their wider application beyond academia. The project will collate innovative and transformative social science methods and demonstrate how they could be used to create change in diverse, non-academic contexts.

Reflecting on cutting edge research within the social sciences and humanities at the University of Manchester and Aspect partner institutions, the project is working to translate these methods into written, audio-visual and creative guides which will be shared with industry, business, the charity sector and a range of academic and non-academic stakeholders. Each output will include examples of how the different methods can be used in different settings and will be housed on the Aspect website.

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